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What We Do

What we do is part art and part science, part alchemy and part analytics. We’re experts at cultivating leadership and culture as strategic assets with bottom-line impact. Boards, founders, and CEOs hire us to assess executive teams and organizational culture, and to translate strategic plans into human capital strategies, operating plans, and people infrastructure.


As growth company culture nerds, we have a unique point of view on topics related to leadership, organizational culture, and strategy.  


We're experts at recognizing growth company DNA, and at cultivating effective leadership and authentic culture for measurable bottom-line impact. What we do is part art and part science, part alchemy and part analytics. We love the doing, but also see it as our mission to advance the conversation on topics like Culture Engineering, which is why you'll find us talking about them here. Check us out now and again to see what's on our minds and join the culture conversation.  


Our framework for leadership and culture is the foundation of our work assessing and transforming leaders, leadership teams and companies, one leader, one company at a time. Interested? Want to learn more? Keep reading, or get in touch now.


With growth company operating experience and certification in leadership assessment and coaching, we're hired by boards and CEOs to assess CEOs, CXOs, executive teams, and organizational culture.

  • Assess the fit of executive team candidates with existing leadership and desired organizational culture prior to hiring

  • Evaluate leadership competencies as a foundation for CEO, CXO, and executive team coaching and development

  • Diagnose misalignment and other company culture issues that hinder performance and financial returns


As experienced executives, board members, and consultants, we use our powers to create essential change at the individual, team, and company levels.

  • Advise and coach boards, CEOs, CXOs, and executive teams

  • Develop strategic and operating plans with metrics 

  • Translate strategic plan to human capital strategy and people infrastructure plan

  • Facilitate strategy and team building experiences that galvanize and solidify alignment

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>Read more

on how New Fashioned's founder became a champion for "intentional" company culture.

Gallup Q12 Employee Engagement Survey



Scheinian Culture Analysis

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